How did I find a volunteer position in France for a month??

How did I find a volunteer position in France for a month??


Hello everyone and welcome to my blog! Over the summer of 2023, I spent 1 month volunteering in the French Alps in Serre Chevalier, near Briançon (the highest city in Europe!!) I am here to tell you about my trip, how I planned it, and some memorable experiences! I am currently a student at The University of Strathclyde studying International Business and French, so I thought it would be a good idea to spend a summer in France practicing the language, and discovering new places! (It was a good excuse for a long holiday).

I volunteered in a sustainable youth hostel in the French Alps for 4 weeks. I found this experience through the online app, Worldpackers. I found this extremely easy to use, and I managed to find an experience very easily. It does cost around £40 to get a membership, however it lasts a year, and it means that you can do multiple volunteering expeditions. The process to apply was very fast and simple; I found the experience, filled out an application form, and awaited a response from the hostel. The first few positions I applied to I was not successful in getting the volunteering positions; however, I was very lucky that a hostel in Serre Chevalier was happy to have me. I was there for four weeks, and as a volunteer, I was entitled to free accommodation and free meals, which dramatically decreased the cost of my trip. Volunteering in the hostel was such a great way to meet new people, and really immerse myself in the local culture.

(Imagine waking up to this view everyday!!)

Cost wise, the only thing I had to buy during the month was travel to and from the hostel (which was quite a long way), and then outings, activities and snacks. Stay tuned for my next blog post which will be all about my favourite activities in the Alps! 

À bientôt! (See you soon!)

Katie :)))


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